We Redefine Vehicle Interior

As a lover of exclusive automobiles, it is our pleasure to welcome you and invite you to explore the Middle Auto world. Experience how we have revolutionized and perfected vehicle finishing to this day on a foray through our company history.

Middle Auto pursues perfection in customizing and transforming your Vechile into a chauffeur-driven Luxury , Executive, , Mobile Office, Tourist and Club Service etc, that are truly one of the kinds.

Middle Auto Catering to the tastes of a discerning clientele seeking the ultimate in both performance and comfort,  Whether you seek privacy and room to relax, or a business lounge, a customised interior is the solution to your needs.

With an extensive international network & experience in interior projects to customers worldwide, our team is well prepared to provide fully tailored services for cleints on their next acquisition.

Visit us in our Showroom to convince yourself of the quality. We look forward to meeting you.

